When you click "OK", INF-Tool will check all your settings and create your .INF setup file.
If anything is missing or obviously not okay, INF-Tool will alert you, showing the problems.
The installation script will also be checked and/or saved, if you decide to:
Copy all required files to a "distribution disk directory" Does what it says. This option makes it easier for you to get an overview about which files will have to be copied to the distribution disks, if you want to copy them without packing, if you would like to compress them by hand or whatever. Especially helpful when many files from widely spread directories are required.
INF-Tool will always use your configured distribution disk directory to temporarily store the files defined in your setup project. You should use an individual directory name for each of your projects which should also not be located in any System area of your computer (such as C:\windows\desktop\YourManyFiles.dst) and doesn't contain Long Directory Names (like in the example before). Instead try to use INF-Tool's defaults which should point to a subdirectory of INF-Tool's own directory (like C:\INF-Tool\YourProj.dst).
Create a distribution package file
INF-Tool lets you compress all the required files from within the Tool, offering integrated ZIP or CAB (Cabinet - offered by INF-Tool Professional for strongest compression) support, also self-extracting ones! Just click "Generate.." and INF-Tool will create everything for you - ready for distribution!
By clicking the "Options.." button you can change a variety of special settings for this function, like the compression technique to use, archive file name, an encryption password, if a self-extracting "Single EXE" package should be created, and more.