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Version 1.6a
Your All-In-One Personal Information Database
A short description:
BigBRAIN offers fast and flexible environment for your managing and storing
- Adresses (incl. Homepages, E-Mail etc.)
- Appointments
- CD's
- LP's
- MC's (Music Cassettes)
- Video tapes as well as your
- Books / Library.
Various types of reports and lists are available, direct loading of webpages,
e-mails or telephone calls from your address database and more!
BigBRAIN costs a mere USD 25,- (€ 25,-) registration fee -
just check it out!
Filename: BigBRAIN.EXE (self-installing executable) 
File size: 880 kb
Last update: 01-Jun-2k
Find the "ideal" download location by doing a FTP search: the latest versions of BigBRAIN should be listed at the top.
Register your copy of BigBRAIN now !
The enclosed demo version of BigBRAIN locks out a few features of the program.
Supporting my work on it with just $25.00 (= € $25,-) will give you a totally unrestricted version
of BigBRAIN!
There are various ways of registering:
Just click on the animation to the left and fill out your registration form
for a single user license or click here if you want
lifelong upgrades.
- by REGULAR MAIL - simply send your registration fee to my address (which is listed in the helpfile).
This is my preferred method since I will receive the fee without deductions by the regservice - that's why I can even offer
you a discount of $4.00 if you are using this method for your registration (see beyond). Don't worry about sending cash in the mail, just fold it
into a sheet of paper so that no one can see the money through the envelope.
- by CHECK - just fill in the ONLINE registration form, print it out and mail it along with a check in US Dollars to:
RegSoft Check Processing Dept., 9625 West 76th Street, Suite 150, Eden Prairie, MN 55344 USA
(not to me!).
- by PHONE - click here (standard)
or here (with lifelong upgrades) to find out about the secure way
to register by phone, via toll-free call.
- by FAX - fill in the ONLINE registration form
(or download it as .RTF/.DOC file), print it out and FAX
it to the number 1.800.886.6030 (Toll-Free, US & Canada only), +1 208.279-3837 (International) or (0870)132.248 (United Kingdom).
- by EMAIL - email the information directly to
Please don't forget to add the following amount to your registration fee:
- +$ 2.00 if you send foreign currency (other than ATS = Austrian Schillings)
- +$ 6.00 if you need the software on a floppy disk by regular mail
- -$ 4.00 (a discount!) if you send your registration fee by regular mail
The above listed fees are just to cover my own expenses.
Please understand that I can't send you a registered version if you don't add these few bucks.
Under normal circumstances, you should receive your registration email
2-22 hours after your registration came in! (please contact
us if you waited longer).
Here's a screenshot of BigBRAIN:
Address manager |