"[..] Thanks for your prompt reply. I've said it before, and I'll say it again, yours is the best installation tool I've come across, and you deserve more
than the small amount you charge."
(John Hancott, Amity Software, USA)
"[..] I love this tool! It will save me lots of time and sweat in my job, thanks!!"
(V. Bradley, Intel Corp., USA)
"I got two words: Killer App, I downloaded and installed the registered version
yesterday and am REALLY impressed. I'm the Lead Technology Support Technician for
a school district and we are, like everyone else, trying to deal with a multitude
of various patches to make our equipment Y2K compliant. Well your program is helping
to make this project a 1000 times easier and more efficient for distribution of the
patches as one package."
(John Norton, TX, USA)
"I have been testing INFTool along with 2 other shareware tools: <names deleted>
and comparing them to the commercial InstallShield. By far, INFTool is the most functionality
for the money. InstallShield is very powerful but a pain to learn, the other shareware
programs I've seen are just not functional enough, buggy, or overly complicated.
INFTool allows me to equip myself and all my team members for <US$100 and do everything we need."
(Tom Hatfield, Koch Industries, Inc., USA)
"I've published some screensavers and used INF-Tool for the distribution of them all - thanks for your great product which has already more than paid for itself."
(Frank Maldon, Texas, USA)
"Thank you for your work creating INF-Tool. It has allowed me to concentrate on developing my own applications, and not worry about
creating installer programs as well. Keep up the good work!
With the upcoming relaunch of our website [..], I'd like to link to your site. I'll also send you a free copy of a few
of my programs as thanks for INF-Tool."
(Steven Adams, OK, USA)
"I am a VERY happy registered owner of INF-Tool. I can't tell you how
wonderful your program is and how easy it is to use."
(Tom Kellen, MCSE, USA)
"Thanks. Thanks. Thanks. This is much better than the installation that comes with Visual Basic!"
(George Kash, NY, USA)
"Thank you, Richey! I MUST to say that I MUST to buy it, just because it is THE BEST installation tool which
I saw. We earn a very funny money here (in provincial Russia), but I will collect some money for the
Professional version of your great tool. One more secret: I have learned the rooles of inf files writing by
myself -- and always write it manually -- but I need to say it's a really time saver! 2k of uninstall
information on the User's computer -- there are no more comments! Thank you, our ideal programer!"
(I.Kovalevsky, Russia)
"Great tool! Easy to use, convenient and it creates the smallest setup packages I've ever seen."
(A.Halser, Austria)
"I'm using your INFTool for font installations, registry changes (at our
workstations) etc. - it's so easy to use and even allows me to manage multiple
setups for our various user groups. Keep on the good work!"
(Simon Moore, Australia)
"I have been building a cool net app using MSVC 6.0 [..] Then, I found your installer. Personally, I like seeing
software that has obviously been well thought out. Everything else I saw was kludgy and hard to understand.
Your demo was so obvious and it worked! I seriously appreciate fine tools and yours looks like one I will enjoy for quite some time."
(Walter W., Walrus Corp., Arizona, USA)
"This works very well! I think that your INF-Tool is the best Install program
on the Internet. It has saved me long hours of coding and much trial and
error I will definitely let others know about it. Just to let you know my
product has gone from requiring TWO 1.44mb disks to just one which we are
now going to be sending to workstations through RAS connections and email.
(Johnny Kinsey, Florida)
"I have just finished my first Win95 installer using your excellent
INF-Tool. It was so easy to use and I'm especially happy to see the very small
overhead. Thanks again for a really super tool - this is one of the best
shareware programs I've ever registered.
(Skip White, USA)
"I think your program is great and don't regret the expense at all."
(Wayne "Rebel" Hill, USA)
"I have just downloaded your program INFTool and it looks great.
I am a little software developer, and I will use it to distribute my
programs, I develop in Visual basic and typically need 4 diskettes for
one program..."
(Carl Lindstroem, Denmark)
"Thanks for doing the work - so I can focus on MY software.
Yes - small amt for so much work!"
(Bill Hall, from Trapper Creek Alaska)
"I really love your program, INF-Tool.
I have looked for an installation program that was small and fast and this
one beats all! I tried to learn to make these INF files myself by hand, but it was
hard and confusing and VERY undocumented. This program just takes every
thing I ever wanted in an installation and puts it into one simple, fast
easy to use program. It was definitely worth the registration."
(Prince Darien, USA)
"Hi! I would like to thank you for making INFTool!
I am in the Automated deployment industry ... INFTool is a great tool and
will certainly make my job a little easier!"
(Roy Morris, CA)
"Inf Tool has been a life saver. In just the few weeks I have saved hours of fiddling
with scripts and have increased user satisfaction. I am constantly sending out a couple
of files or registry changes for a customer and this program speeds things up and gives
me a great "Package" for giving to end users! Thanks."
(Mike Domer (MCSE), USA)